Linus Pauling is an unconventional genius.
And so Pauling went further and said this is the purely covalent component.
Why is every body so interested in seeing Pauling ... Now Raymond wants to see Pauling too!
Pauling thought resonance was a physical phenomenon, but Wheland thought it only a man-made concept.
Wheland was the main backer and co-worker of Pauling but he didn't agree with Pauling on the meaning of resonance.
The ban was reversed a year later only when Dr. Bragg learned that Pauling, his longtime rival, was also hot on the trail of the DNA structure.
Similar predictions were made later, by Andreas von Antropoff (1924) and by Linus C. Pauling (1932), based on chemical trends in the periodic table.
后来,安德里亚凡安绰波夫(Andreasvon Antropoff)在1924年,利诺斯·卡尔·鲍林(Linus C . Pauling)在1932年,都做出了类似预测。预测的依据是:周期表里的化学趋势。
During his later years, Landsteiner formed a friendship with Linus Pauling, the American biochemist who won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1954.
The calculated values of elements' electronegativity and bond energy in double-atom molecules show no difference from the Pauling experiment ones.
The key, according to Pauling, was to take them in huge doses, because that could prevent you from catching the most 14)irritating of diseases, the 15)common cold.
In this dastardly sideplot, Crick raced to submit his and Watson's history-changing paper to Nature, in fear that Franklin would leak DNA information when Pauling visited London.
Their discussions led Pauling to apply his knowledge to immunology and to contribute a chapter to the revised edition of Landsteiner's book, the SPECIFICITY of SEROLOGICAL REACTIONS.
他们的讨论引领着Pauling把他的知识运用到免疫学中,也为修订版的兰德斯·纳特的书血清反应的特性(THE SPECIFICITYOFSEROLOGICAL REACTIONS)贡献了一章。
With Pauling bond enthalpy, a thermodynamic estimation method was proposed. The calculation result shows that the reaction may occur on thermodynamics, and is an exothermic reaction.
With Pauling bond enthalpy, a thermodynamic estimation method was proposed. The calculation result shows that the reaction may occur on thermodynamics, and is an exothermic reaction.