Unless, of course, it costs your significant other 31 cents a minute to call your international cell phone, in which case you must ask him to call you on a pay phone down the street.
From a corner pay-call, you pick up the phone, listen for a dial tone (a buzzing sound), deposits a coin or COINS (depending on the cost in the area) and then dial the number.
Can I make an international call from that pay phone?
The charge service during transportation such as lundry fee, phone call cost, beverage, cigarette, pay TV, luggage service and other private cost.
Don't call from a noisy pay phone of from an area where background machines and conversations will interfere with your concentration and your ability to hear and be heard.
You pay your phone operator for a local call, and pay us a small fee on top of this for the international part of the call.
But in medical school in the 1980s, he said he was so embarrassed about seeking help for depression that he went to a pay phone instead of his dorm to call a therapist.
Next time use a pay phone and call me.
I need to call my daughter but don't know how to use the pay phone.
I need to call my daughter but don't know how to use this pay phone.
Good morning, my room No. is XXX. I'd like to pay my tele-phone call last night.
I don't want to call back because he called from a pay phone.
Many cellphone plans don't include free text messaging, and since you pay a monthly fee no matter how few calls you make, it's easier just to make the phone call.
You pay your phone operator for a local call, and pay us a small fee on top of this for the international part of the call.
You pay your phone operator for a local call, and pay us a small fee on top of this for the international part of the call.