Demand is estimated to peak at 55gw, which leaves room for basic energy-saving measures, like using less air-conditioning and lighting, to avert a power crunch with capacity to spare.
Customers have no incentive to conserve power when it is scarce during times of peak demand, so generating firms have to build lots of spare capacity to cope with surges in consumption.
The main objective of smart power meters is to lower the peak load and thus enable utilities to keep down their peak generating capacity.
In 2009, China's installed capacity reached 55 gigawatts of small hydropower, 22.68 gigawatts of wind power, 4 gigawatts for biomass, and 300 megawatts-peak for photovoltaic solar power.
The capacity of peak load unit directly affects peak electricity price level and reliability of power supply during peak load period.
These studies all reported large increases in exercise capacity as evaluated by six-minute walk distance, maximal oxygen consumption and peak power.
The heat capacity of fuel varies as the fuel temperature, as well as pulse peak power and energy released can be increased by increasing heat capacity of the fuel.
With the fast increasing of power desire in Guangxi province and the enlarging of the load peak and off-peak difference, system needs peak regulation capacity urgently.
Meanwhile, the two power grids also could obtain the benefits of staggering the peak and reducing the reserve capacity.
Change of power consumption structure requires most large-capacity units to be involved in peak load regulation of electricity grid.
The heat capacity of fuel varies as the fuel temperature, as well as pulse peak power and e…
The heat capacity of fuel varies as the fuel temperature, as well as pulse peak power and e…