Most corporate boards' compensation committees focus primarily on peer-group comparisons.
They worry that the adolescent peer group has the power to push its members into behavior that is foolish and even dangerous.
The passive attitude we have to climate change as individuals can be altered by counting us in—and measuring us against—our peer group.
She gets on well with her peer group.
It is important for a manager to be able to get the support of his peer group.
Women, as outsiders, "are more likely to think independently or at least see people outside of the economics profession as forming their peer group," he says.
Perhaps they have a better peer group.
The relays themselves are rendezvous JXTA peers that have full capabilities to handle pipes, advertisements, and peer group services.
In order to make a good case for a target price, the analyst should include a discussion of the historic trends and an analysis of these trends through a comparison to a relevant peer group.
So do you have an inspiring peer group of people around you with equally lofty ideals and goals?
They start to become influenced by their peer group.
A peer group is a collection of peers.
Group Socialization Theory doesn't explain, for example, why identical twins have different personalities, even if they're reared in the same home and belong to the same peer group.
But some children will always be young for their peer group in any given class, and this difference can be particularly noticeable in early grades.
Attending a conference also has a useful side effect (and one which can be parlayed into bigger and better things if actively massaged) : That of building up the attendee's developer peer group.
You really don't have a peer group in the same way that you have when you're one of a number of executives working at a large company.
A second difference is that although professional education isconcerned exclusively with the individual, a quality business education dependsin a distinctive way on the peer group.
For if our children are successful, or deemed by our peer group to be "successful", then all the pain and heartache and sleepless nights and worry will have been worth it.
And I absolutely hated pushups because from a very young age I always had the weakest upper body in my peer group and could never do more than a few pushups or pullups.
The pain of beingrejected by one’s peer group can be a matter of life or death, asrecent cyber-bullying cases in the news demonstrate.
Most of the global financial institutions adopt comprehensive appraisal systems involving assessments by subordinates, peer group and superiors, commonly known as 360 degrees appraisal system.
This raises the startling prospect of our creating a generation of "super-cougars" - women who never age, while their peer group of men drop like flies.
Niubi Newbie Kids II offers an insight into the world of a generation that possesses much higher expectation of living standards and choice than any other peer group in the last century.
Just as I am fully aware that with each passing year, I become less attractive to the men in my peer group, who have plenty of younger, more fertile women to pick from.
Regular communication between parents can go a long way toward creating a safe environment for all teens in a peer group.
Under the firm's rules, such awards should be granted only if Shell's total return in the year is in the top three of its peer group.
Differentiating factors: How different is this company compared to its peer group?
Differentiating factors: How different is this company compared to its peer group?