The theory considers aggregates of quantity demanded by buyers and quantity supplied by sellers at each possible price per unit.
It is the rate of change in total utility per unit change in quantity and is not the utility of a marginal unit.
Countries whose workers produce a large quantity of goods and services per unit of time enjoy a high standard of living.
Oxygen Transmission Rate (O2GTR): The quantity of oxygen gas passing through a unit area of the parallel surfaces of a plastic film per unit time under the conditions of test.
Oxygen Transmission Rate (O2GTR): The quantity of oxygen gas passing through a unit area of the parallel surfaces of a plastic film per unit time under the conditions of test.
The bone mineral density (BMD) means the bony mineral quantity per unit area, which is an important index reflecting the metabolic status of the skeleton of human being.
The foam metal nickel has the advantage of good heat conductivity and the molten salt has the advantage of large heat storage quantity per unit weight or volume.
If your order does not reach our minimum quantity per item, the unit price will be 10% higher than the usual price.
If it is impossible to extend the time of steam injecting, the energy loss can be lessened by increasing the quantity of steam injected into well in per unit o...
Sensitivity analysis with the numerical example shows that order quantity and replenishment cycle are very sensitive to the deterioration rate, but the retailer's profit per unit time is not. The …
Sensitivity analysis with the numerical example shows that order quantity and replenishment cycle are very sensitive to the deterioration rate, but the retailer's profit per unit time is not. The …