Succulent perennial herb, forming mats.
Pineapple also known as pineapple, is a Bromeliad, is a perennial herb.
North American perennial herb; leaves are used medicinally; sometimes placed in genus Cassia.
The study found that sugar cane , this perennial herb, both within and outside the body are Bao.
Coltsfoot flower also known as butterbur, winter flowers, is a perennial herb, with flower medicine.
Coarse weedy American perennial herb with large usually perfoliate leaves and purple or dull red flowers.
Black cohosh, a perennial herb member of the buttercup family, is the most widely used herbal remedy for hot flashes.
Black cohosh, a perennial herb member of the buttercup family, is the most widely used herb al remedy for hot flashes.
A slender, erect, poisonous perennial herb(Aconitum napellus) native to northern Europe, having violet flowers and whose.
A southwest Asian perennial herb (Medicago sativa) having compound leaves with three leaflets and clusters of usually blue-violet flowers.
North American perennial herb with ternately compound leaves and racemes of small white flowers followed by bright red oval poisonous berries.
A woolly, white, mat-forming perennial herb (Cerastium tomentosum) native to Italy and widely cultivated in rock gardens for its showy white flowers with notched petals.
一种毛状、白色的多年生草本植物,用来编席子,(绒毛卷耳卷耳属) 原产于意大利,因其锯齿形的艳丽白花而广泛种植于假山庭园。
Amaryllidaceae Clivia miniata is a perennial herb, is China one of 20 kinds of flowers, cut flowers can be used as the main materials, high value, good economic returns.
君子兰为石蒜科君子兰属多年生草本植物,是中国20种名花之一,可以作为切花的主要材料, 观赏价值高,经济效益好。
Adonis amurensis is perennial herb, Its roots are nearly primary structure in the whole life, Primary Xylems of main root and lateral roots of one year seedling are diarch.
A creeping perennial herb (Rubus chamaemorus) in the rose family, native to northern regions of North America and Eurasia and having white flowers and edible, yellowish fruit.
兴安悬钩子:一种蔷薇科的多年生蔓生草本植物(兴安悬钩子悬钩子属) ,原产于北美及欧亚北部地区,开白花,结浅黄可食的果实。
Amorphophallus is a monocotyledonous perennial herb. Konjac glucomannan which is rich in the corm has been applied widely in food, medicine, chemistry and agriculture industry.
Brake, also called Changshou vegetable, is a kind of perennial herb with rich protein and various vitamins. It has high nutritive value and is a kind of superior wild delicacy.
A perennial herb (Melanthium virginicum) in the lily family, native to the eastern United States and having narrow leaves and a branched cluster of cream-colored or greenish flowers.
墨花:一种百合科多年生草本植物(墨花) ,原产于美国东部,有窄叶,成串的奶色或绿色的花朵。
A southwest Asian perennial herb (Medicago sativa) having compound leaves with three leaflets and clusters of usually blue-violet flowers. It is widely cultivated as a pasture and hay crop.
The iris is a perennial aquatic herb, it narrow leaf also contain volatile aromatic oil, is refreshing Tongqiao, bone health Xiaozhi, insecticidal sterilization.
菖蒲是多年生水生草本植物,它狭长的叶片也含有挥发芳香油,是提神通窍、健骨消滞、杀虫灭菌的药物。 。
East Indian sparsely prickly annual herb or perennial subshrub widely cultivated for its fleshy calyxes used in tarts and jelly and for its bast fiber.
Wild rice stem belongs to herb of marsh of gramineous vivacious perennial root.
Money tree is a perennial evergreen herb, is extremely rare foliage plants with underground tubers, native to tropical Africa.
On the observation of growth regulation, blossom and seed bearing, the herb was not perennial plant, but was the over-year living plant.
Echinacea is a traditional medicinal herb in North American perennial. It can enhance the body immune system and antagonize various kinds of infections.
Echinacea is a traditional medicinal herb in North American perennial. It can enhance the body immune system and antagonize various kinds of infections.