To what extent do you consider that Performance Related Pay (excluding basic income) motivate you to perform better?
With the continual expansion of universities in our country and the reform in Performance Related Pay in the area of education and medical care, it has practical meaning.
We analyzed the grassroots performance related pay and its history of salary system reform, then provided Suggestions for building and improving grassroots salary system.
Meanwhile, there was a gap of 39% in annual basic pay between women and men - rising to 47% for total earnings taking into account performance-related pay, bonuses and overtime.
And I dare not even ask for any vacation time, as this would reduce my performance-related pay.
Another answer may be performance-related pay for teachers.
In the 1990s, shares and share options became a regular feature of performance-related pay, particularly in the United States.
Options, which even before the recent backdating scandal were losing their appeal, have been partly replaced by performance-related pay.
Clubs threatened with relegation out of the Premiership (three teams are dropped each year, and three added) are wising up to performance-related pay schemes.
This paper discussed the principle of design, the frame and the expected effect about the appraisal and distribution system of the performance-related-pay in hospital.
There is no provision for funding performance-related pay rises.
没有为与业绩挂钩的加薪预作资金准备。 。
SELLERshall % pay all and any taxes; duties related to the performance of this Contract before the cargo leave the loading port.
SELLERshall pay all and any taxes; duties related to the performance of this Contract before the cargo leave the loading port.
There is no provision for funding performance - related pay rises.
Payment system for public health service includes global budget, fee for service, capitation, salary, performance-related pay, line budget, preventive service account and periodic health visit fee.
There is no provision for funding performance-related pay rises.
The Buyer shall pay all and any taxes, duties, related to the performance of this contract and collected at the discharge port.
I'm one of the few that's very pro performance-related pay.
Design of the merits of the pay system directly related to the level of corporate performance.
Given the above consideration, a common practice is to pay his remuneration in the form of annual fee and conference expenses, etc, nothing related to the corporate performance.
Given the above consideration, a common practice is to pay his remuneration in the form of annual fee and conference expenses, etc, nothing related to the corporate performance.