Santander had a non-performing loan ratio of 3.37%, up from 2.82%.
Non-Performing Loan Loans that are in default or close to being in default.
Badly performing loan: loan with poor prospects for future gains and a low rate of return.
Under such background, how to highly effective safely deal with non -performing loan question appears especially urgent.
Third, establishes the special bad assets recovery department to concentrate the cleaning up handling non-performing loan.
The low quality of loan decision-making of commercial Banks directly derives into non-performing loans, which possibly causes a bank's bankruptcy.
To settle debts with assets is an important means to make bad assets living, but the risk from non-performing loan will probably shift to mortgaged assets.
Measurement results show that a non-performing loan rate is significantly inhibited by public and private credit bureau in the whole sample and developed countries.
Governance variables such as incentive, loan structure, types of household loans and the frequency of replacement of RCC directors have impact on RCC non-performing loans.
Return on risk-weighted assets (RORWA) is used to indicate the profitability of banks while non-performing loan rate and non-performing loan forming rate are used to indicate banks'asset quality.
There is much speciality in the reasons, quality and market environment of our countrys non-performing loan, so its pricing is always a problem that been concerned by the asset management corporation.
A series of problems such as how to strip the non-performing loan, whether it's political or commercial, will debt-to-equity swap be the way, have attracted great attention of economists and scholars.
Applications are organized into a set of services that perform particular tasks such as accepting a loan application, performing a credit check, or executing an inventory lookup.
Customers whose important financial indicators such as cash flow are in worsening tendency, and bank loan is predicted to be non-performing.
Banks have an average loan-to-deposit ratio of only 67%, low by international standards, and less than 5% of Banks' loans are non-performing, down from 40% in 1998.
Banks have an average loan-to-deposit ratio of only 67%, low by international standards, and less than 5% of Banks' loans are non-performing, down from 40% in 1998.