The clouds like love, perhaps maybe.
If that opportunity isn't present perhaps maybe a discussion on how we can make that happen.
She learns about cloud computing and realizes that perhaps maybe she should not have to worry about fixing broken servers.
Maybe those of you who've taken AP computer science perhaps recall that even just getting a piece of input from the user is also quite troublesome.
Perhaps like the Greeks, we recognize, and maybe even fear the power of music.
Perhaps you're bringing your unique knowledge and gaining access to someone else's professional network, or maybe you're able to learn a new skill by working with someone.
Perhaps some friends have moved away, or maybe they have just never been really good at making friends.
Perhaps it’s the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise, or maybe it’s the unbounded joy of not having to be at work.
Perhaps you can combine all of the ingredients for an interestingly varied meal, or maybe you can cook each suggestion on a different night of the week.
Perhaps you need to accept payment, or maybe you want a photo gallery.
Perhaps this person is no longer around or maybe they have no contact or could care less.
Perhaps he doesn’t even know why; maybe he had forgotten what he had learnt.
Perhaps the flow of water rearranges dirt particles on the surface, or maybe the streaks are the residue left behind when the briny water evaporates.
Maybe you've got a friend who's like that - or perhaps it's your colleague, or your spouse.
The world was like a plate; paradise was up a mountain, across a sea, perhaps guarded by angels, maybe in China, or Armenia, or Abyssinia, or Mesopotamia.
Okay, so maybe we’re not as lazy I claim, and perhaps my nostalgia for a time I never lived is a little facetious.
So maybe this Internet bubble is already over. Or perhaps it has a bit more runway.
The team members want some commentary and buzz created, maybe a few videos, and perhaps a survey.
They would like to try it, one day, maybe, perhaps, but with the temperature right down, in strict privacy and certainly with a swimsuit on.
We had this collision, and I want you to tell me whether you think that the kinetic energy has perhaps increased or decreased or maybe the kinetic energy hasn't changed.
Perhaps it will sell a troubled subsidiary elsewhere, maybe to Russia.
So Selection Sort, while it might be easier perhaps to think through than Bubble Sort, or maybe it's pretty much equivalent, it's just a different approach to the same problem.
Perhaps it wasn't too far, or maybe it was a long, long way.
I don’t know why I even mentioned it; maybe I thought I was being funny, or perhaps it was just a nervous reaction to a subject I didn’t want to discuss.
We decided to celebrate with Nutella and marshmallow sandwiches that night, and pondered what the road ahead might hold for us: perhaps our first shower in a week, or maybe even a hot meal.
Then someone — I don't remember who was first — suggested that maybe another type of schedule would work. Perhaps Uberman could be modified to make it more flexible.
But perhaps imperialists can. Maybe the colonial adventures of the past provide the natural experiments economists need to put their theories to the test.
But perhaps imperialists can. Maybe the colonial adventures of the past provide the natural experiments economists need to put their theories to the test.