The first thing that "Virtual Memory" does is that it abstracts the physical address space of the machine.
Assign a different physical address space to each process, ensuring an efficient protection against addressing errors.
More specifically, the invention relates to utilizing a physical address space for a graphics processor that includes address locations in both system memory and graphics local memory.
A native memory leak or excessive native memory use will cause different problems depending on whether you exhaust the address space or run out of physical memory.
Note that as shown here, a process may have a large address space, but it is sparse, meaning that small regions (pages) of the address space refer to physical memory through the page tables.
Regions in a process's virtual address space can be mapped to physical memory, to a file, or to any other addressable storage.
Although reserving chunks of the address space will not exhaust physical resources, it does prevent that memory from being used for other purposes.
If you have enough physical memory and address space, you can allow the leak to continue on the basis that you will restart your application before the process address space is exhausted.
This does not mean the kernel USES that much physical memory, only that it has that portion of address space available to map whatever physical memory it wishes.
Figure 1 illustrates how virtual pages in a process's address space are mapped to physical page frames in memory.
When running on a system with more process address space than physical memory, a memory leak or excessive use of native memory will force the OS to swap out some of the virtual address space.
We can map requests from logical to logical, logical to physical (as above) or from one address space to another.
The memory addresses in the address space allow the agent to access the memories in the physical RAM.
How does kernel know, which pages in the virtual address space correspond to a swapped out physical page frame?
At initialization, a maximum address space is virtually reserved but not allocated to physical memory unless it is needed.
Secondly, lazy management of virtual address space and management of two-layer-cached physical memory are analyzed.
The whole point of a virtual memory system is that you can have a virtual address space that's much bigger than the amount of physical memory on the computer.
This does not mean the kernel USES that much physical memory, only that it has that portion of address space available to map whatever physical memory it wishes.
The MSI memory location is a physical bus address, so it must be translated to virtual address space both on device and host.
The free list contains pages of physical memory that are not associated with any address space of VM object.
The free list contains pages of physical memory that are not associated with any address space of VM object.