Such questions have a range of answers that are supplied by experience, by physical requirements, by limitations of available space, and not least by a sense of form.
Some units for persons employed more stringent physical requirements, and some also need fitness tests.
In most cases the designer can use a configuration that best fits the physical requirements of the system.
So there are basic physical requirements like keeping your Sim fed, bathed, housed and reasonably well rested.
Aside from the physical requirements of the job, the candidate must also possess a pleasant and adaptable disposition, the paper said.
Kids are more than welcome on the excursions, provided they are supervised and can handle the physical requirements of the activities.
As the increasingly fining of division of labor in society, science and fining have become physical requirements of modern economical management.
You know, honestly, by the time you are 34, all the physical requirements go out the window, like you secretly pray that he'll be taller than you.
As with all modeling gigs, there are no hard rules when it comes to basic physical requirements. But in general, aspiring Victoria's Secret Angels must.
You know, honestly, by the time you're 34, all the physical requirements just 6 go out the window. Like you secretly pray that he'll be taller than you.
Dual core chips are more dense as well, which means their physical requirements are more along the lines of their single-core Cousins since they share the same form factor.
Each assigned play is to be read in depth with extensive notes taken concerning the mood, setting of the play as written, physical requirements of the action and theme.
The enlistment order required that recruits meet full Marine Corps physical requirements and have a sufficient knowledge of English and Navajo to transmit combat messages in Navajo.
征兵令中要求 纳瓦霍新兵能通过海军陆战队的体检,并有足够的英语和 纳瓦霍语知识以完成用 纳瓦霍语传送战斗命令的任务。
Students who aspire to a career in this field must meet certain physical requirements of their own---enough upper-body strength, manual dexterity, and coordination to perform chiropractic procedures;
In this scenario, the working set memory requirements of all LPARs can exceed the physical memory in the pool.
This figure accurately reflects the proportions of it mass as it relates to cost, physical space requirements, maintenance, administration, management oversight, and obsolescence.
The tools actually step you through the process of verifying that all requirements are satisfied prior to physical deployment.
Since most databases have requirements on characters and character length of database object names, abbreviations are usually used when naming data objects in physical models.
Matching the requirements for physical distribution to the capabilities of candidate technologies is an important aspect of ESB design.
Storage device-based virtualization provides the facility to join multiple physical disks in a single array and divide it to multiple volumes of different sizes based on requirements.
Too often, you make the leap to a physical implementation of that logical architecture by choosing a framework that meets some or all of the requirements.
Usually, the bigger the heap, the better the application will perform, so sizing the heap involves trading off the requirements of the application against other demands on the physical memory.
Their primary role is not computation, and often they have strict requirements regarding their physical scale (as is the case with handheld devices).
We derived our deployment requirements from a thorough understanding of our users' access patterns, and the realization that we could not spend time managing physical hardware.
At the end of the day, there still needs to be adequate underlying physical CPU capacity to meet response time and throughput requirements when partitioning CPUs.
Consider the difficulty involved with mapping requirements at the bottom of the requirements hierarchy to the physical system components.
You can easily create a logical data model that is derived from business requirements and transform that into a physical data model that reflects your database design.
Depending on your performance requirements, you can also mix physical and virtual servers - leaving the higher volume and more performance sensitive applications on physical servers.
We also create four virtual shards for future requirements, which are currently mapped to three physical shards.
Disregard the ridiculous production led by Francis Ford Coppola; the physical and mental requirements of that set would merit some tough and dedicated actors.
且不论弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉(Francis Ford Coppola)领军的制作有多荒谬;该片对身体与心理的要求也只有一些强健而又富有献身精神的演员才能满足。