"Stopover" means a scheduled stop on your journey at a point between the place of departure and the place of destination.
Where the place of departure is specified by the policy, and the ship instead of sailing from that place sails from any other place, the risk does not attach.
Fares apply only to carriage from the airport at the place of departure [m5] to the airport at the destination, excluding ground transport services between airports or between airports and town areas.
The geographical indication identifies the place of departure of special products and plays an important role in maintaining the international trade order, consumer's interests and the fame of origin.
Their presence in a city may cause problems, but their departure suggests that a place is losing some of its economic dynamism.
W: Let me see, name, address, nationality, forwarding address, passport number, place of issue, signature and date of departure.
Elf more than in "harry potter" inside also has a place, it's departure of the impact of no less than the upper dumbledore's death.
Let me see... name, address, nationality, forwarding address, passport number, place of issue, signature and date of departure.
Transport does not need to change packages of goods or stop in any place between the departure point and destination location.
Transport does not need to change packages of goods or stop in any place between the departure point and destination location.
In the production process, takes place frequently the malfunction of trolley runing-departure for draper-type agglomeration engine.
In the production process, takes place frequently the malfunction of trolley runing-departure for draper-type agglomeration engine.