The plant helped Iran turn its vast natural gas reserves into methanol, which is used for making plastics, paints and chemicals.
With the help of bacteria which breaks down and eats these plastics, leaving only usable plant nutrients behind.
LEGO bricks may use hybrid solutions in the future, perhaps considering plant-based plastics.
The feasibility of the increase production of HDPE with the help of slurry outside circulation technique for the HDPE polymerizer in the Plastics Plant of Yangtse Co.
Much attention was paid on thermoplastics filled with plant-fibers to produce wood-like plastics.
The paper presents a new industrial plant on waste plastics cracking and its operation, analyzes its characteristics and advantages, and presents some existing problems and solutions.
Therefore, in order to solve these problems, we should plant trees to keep water, stop using the plastics bags , and the factory should clean the gas and water before releasing and pour it.
Therefore, in order to solve these problems, we should plant trees to keep water, stop using the plastics bags , and the factory should clean the gas and water before releasing and pour it.