If you're planning on drinking these bottles in the near - to mid-term, or if the bottles have alternative closures (screw caps, glass or plastic corks), this is not necessary.
The main use of plastic material itself insulation, small density, no electromagnetic interference, corrosion resistance, waterproof performance, so as to realize its protective effects on screw.
The invention is characterized in that the invention includes a flywheel and a plastic fan blade which is tightly fixed on the screw hole of the flywheel by a bolt.
According to the requirements by binding mortar paste on the wall, and use plastic expand screw to anchorage.
This is done through a plastic screw cap on the top of the electrolyser cap (shown clearly in the first photograph).
The author succeeds in studying the plastic screw geared tube technology with on-line continuous self cleaning function based on its ultra low flow ratio.
Our company manufactures and sales all kinds of the nails, such as lined nails, Plastic strip nail, galvanize nails, popular coil nails, concrete nails, screw nails and so on.
In order to increase production efficiency of PDA cases output on plastic jetting-moulding machine, the auto-loading screw device of robot is developed.
Rheological behavior of plastic melt in micro-extrusion based on screw spray head of FDM will ultimately affect the quality and precision of products.
This paper carried out an elastic - plastic finite element analysis on the petal basket - like screw cap used in many pipe support - hang systems.
This paper carried out an elastic - plastic finite element analysis on the petal basket - like screw cap used in many pipe support - hang systems.