Platelet count had correlation with aggregation.
Trace element(Zinc & Copper) and Platelet count were tested.
In addition, rutin had the effect of raising the platelet count.
Platelet count measures the tiny cells that help form blood clots.
To inquire into the relation between cancer and blood platelet count (BPC).
The spleen can affect the platelet count, the red blood cell count and even the white blood count.
We reported here a consecutive observation of platelet count and size in 135 normal term neonates.
A platelet transfusion may be needed to prevent bleeding if a patient's platelet count is very low.
The bleeding seriousness, platelet count and platelet related antibody were measured before and after treatment.
The platelet count remained low with no clinical change until pentoxifylline was started at the age of 15 months.
Once therapy is stopped and the platelet count is restored to a sufficient level, these side effects rapidly fade.
CBC with platelet count, fibrinogen level, partial thromboplastin time, and ABO blood typing and antibody screen are obtained.
The hematological data of 33 cases of acute leukemia with platelet count increased during induction chemotherapy were analysed.
To take aspirin before checking their physical condition, including platelet count, coagulation function, liver and kidney function.
Objective To observe the changes of platelet count, function and its membrane protein in rabbits undergoing liver ischemia-reperfusion.
After a further week, the platelet count returned to the levels before interferon, but the patient did not develop any further symptoms.
Conclusion the platelet count and spleen diameter as an non-invasive tool could be used to predict the presence of sever esophageal varices.
Platelet count, creatinine, urine protein, and liver enzymes, should be repeated once or twice weekly in women with mild stable preeclampsia.
However, it is important that a full medical history be elicited to ensure that the increased platelet count is not due to a secondary process.
However, if a patient needs to receive additional drug therapy and the platelet count remains very low, transfusions of platelets may be required.
Conclusion The parameter of platelet are important consult of judgment malady, injury of heart, liver nephridium and platelet count was correlation.
There was no significant difference in platelet count, plasma prothrombin time and plasma viscosity between treatment group and control group ( P > 0.05) .
Conclusion: Lower dose sodium valproate is effective in the treatment of TD caused by antipsychotics. Close attention should be paid to the platelet count.
With the treatment prolonged, moreover, white blood count, absolute neutrophil count and blood platelet count all increased gradually in 7 case of SAA and NSAA.
After iv AF114 injection, the mean blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature were increased. AF114 had no effect on the platelet count and red blood cell count.
经静脉注射给予AF 114注射液后,引起大鼠平均动脉压升高,心率加快,体温升高,对血小板计数和红细胞计数无明显影响。
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) is a life-threatening disease characterized by acute renal failure (uraemia), haemolytic anaemia, and a low platelet count (thrombocytopenia).
If the cause for the high platelet count remains unclear, bone marrow biopsy is often undertaken, to differentiate whether the high platelet count is reactive or essential.
The need for surgery or other invasive procedures often requires transfusion to maintain a much higher platelet count during surgery and for a period of healing thereafter.
The need for surgery or other invasive procedures often requires transfusion to maintain a much higher platelet count during surgery and for a period of healing thereafter.