Some just follows suit, behave like a hooligan, play the market.
When, after months of all play and no work, they became little donkeys, he sold them on the market place.
It's our hope that we will play a greater role in the market place.
It's our hope that we will play a greater role in the market place and, therefore, supply more jobs.
Universities have a large part to play in preparing students for the 21st century labor market by promoting international educational experiences.
For many types of games and many types of game play, monthly reoccurring subscription charges are not viable options for the target market.
But the market will play a much bigger role.
About 75% of the market comes from "gold farmers" who play and stockpile game currencies to sell at a later time.
In today's market, how well they play may be the difference between success and failure.
It is not easy for a firm to play both the primary and the secondary market.
Cantor's market is based on an existing predictive market, the Hollywood Stock Exchange, which USES play money.
Play the emerging markets story through the shares of developed market companies that derive a big percentage of their revenues from doing business in emerging economies.
Analysts said the slump reflected a saturation of the market for MP3 music players as well as the migration of people to phones that play music.
Zimmermann notes that this increase in the number of application stores such as these will play an important role in growing the LBS market over the next year and beyond.
The potential for less leverage — or borrowed money — at play in the oil-futures market has already helped spark a sharp fall in oil prices, which have lost about 20% of their value this month.
Chinese manufacturers' marketing approach is tailored to the local market, with the at-times blunt messages about wealth and success that play well here, such as Chery's choice of name, Riich.
In response to the FSB report, the top providers have sought to play down concerns about how ETFs would function in times of market stress.
The housing market will play a major role in any easing of lending standards.
They can then play their collections through a variety of devices—with the notable exception of some sold by Apple, the firm that dominates the music-download market.
Currently the United States is the biggest market, but experts say Europe, China, Russia and Australia also play a large part.
I don't play the currency market, unfortunately, because currency has gone down so much.
He recognises that the private sector and market-based solutions have a vital role to play.
Q: How does your forecast play out for the labor market?
Service orientation alone can't bring about the effect of improved productivity, faster time to market, and reuse because there are other forces at play that operate as impediments.
The market is now forcing European leaders to quickly decide how they want the rest of the sovereign debt crisis to play out.
There is evidence, however, that Castro is persuading at least some black market operators to play by the rules and pay taxes.
Determining a pragmatic balance between technical efforts and time to market is critical, since cost can play a part in the SOA development process.
Determining a pragmatic balance between technical efforts and time to market is critical, since cost can play a part in the SOA development process.