Poison food: This reduces the amount of food stores a town or castle has for waiting out a siege.
Kasab has sat through the trial largely indifferent to the testimony, though he has complained recently that his food might be laced with poison.
Citizens of wealthy nations demand national parks, clean rivers, clean air and poison-free food.
They use their sharp teeth to force poison into the insects they catch for food.
The fourth group received food clear of the poison.
The pockets of his greatcoat are filled with scraps of food brought from England, the proof, he says, that the British tried to poison him.
Kasab, a thin, wan figure, has sat through the trial largely indifferent to the testimony, although he has complained recently that his food might be laced with poison.
Achilles Heel: Tang's really a bit of a soft touch, so appealing to his gentle nature and befriending him first would get you close enough to slip some poison into his food.
Sunshine might burns you; food might poison you; words might curse you; pictures might insult you; however music can only bless you but not publish you.
They have tested the food for poison.
To replace thought with revery is to confound a poison with a food.
He examined the food and found no poison in it.
He analysed the food and found it contained poison.
B - I heard plates were made of pewter and the high acid content of the tomato caused lead from the plate to poison the food.
But, if began in food grass, bottom point poison what of...... so, UGG Ultra Short, not is paint back crews so simple.
So the rich man Yanzhou Li brothers in food in the next plant poison, poison factory Lee brothers.
Is low IQ animals also has "tiger poison not food son," said.
He analysed the food and found that it contained poison.
The saying of "Poison Fruit" : Tomatoes had long been exclusive food of Indian koradji.
The main form of food chemical pollution was analysed. The common chemical poison was cited. The preventive tactics of food chemical pollution were probed.
But worst of all, they often gave the animals the wrong food, and sometimes poison.
The sunshine may roast you, the food may poison you, the word may curse you, the picture may affront you, however, the music would never punish you but only blessing.
Taste sour food can be appropriately to eat a little more, it contains organic acid can eliminate or mitigate some poison toxic (some pregnant women love taste sour food is to correct the beneficial).
Boiled food materials, reduce oil of taste and relaxed. And smoldered green vegetables, is help kidney and liver, help row poison to rest water.
The food was tested for poison.
Sunshine can burn you, food can poison you, words can condemn you, pictures can insult you; music cannot punish — only bless. (Arthur Schnabel, Austrian pianist).
Elaborates Time Zagat, publisher of the Zagat restaurant guides,... "the food doesn't have to be all that good, as long as it doesn't poison you."
Elaborates Time Zagat, publisher of the Zagat restaurant guides,... "the food doesn't have to be all that good, as long as it doesn't poison you."