Compare this to, say, Kings of Leon who recently pulled out of gigs citing a "torn bicep" at one, a burnt tourbus at another and – famously – being pooed on by pigeons at another.
与此相比,莱昂国王(Kingsof Leon)乐队最近也取消了自己的演奏会,据说其中一个成员“二头肌撕裂”,另一个在巴士起火的时候受伤了,还有一个更出名,让鸽子屎给砸中了。
Compare this to, say, Kings of Leon who recently pulled out of gigs citing a "torn bicep" at one, a burnt tourbus at another and – famously – being pooed on by pigeons at another.
与此相比,莱昂国王(Kingsof Leon)乐队最近也取消了自己的演奏会,据说其中一个成员“二头肌撕裂”,另一个在巴士起火的时候受伤了,还有一个更出名,让鸽子屎给砸中了。