Prudent but poor households will be the first to suffer.
Many poor households are experiencing real hard times.
Poor households will get food stamps and free electricity.
Of course some poor households sell food, but many are net buyers.
Poor households spend, on average, from 50-75% of disposable income on food.
贫困的家庭平均要把可用收入的50- 75%用于食品。
The same is true of computers that go to poor households in the United States.
She had become the woman of poor households - strong and hard and coarse. Her hair was badly done.
In some countries, children from poor households are frequently employed in tobacco farming to provide family income.
For years experts have argued that poor households are consuming less nourishing food than the rest of the population.
For each product category-a 16-ounce carton of milk, say-well-off households paid an average of 25% more than poor households.
We have to anticipate another global crisis of soaring food prices that can hit poor households in this region especially hard.
Over a fifth of American children live in relatively poor households, earning less than half the national average household income.
FAO programmes assist poor households and communities to secure access to nutritionally adequate diets and reduce child undernutrition.
The report quantifies the economic losses to India, and shows that children and poor households bear the brunt of poor sanitation.
When Hurricane Mitch swept through Honduras in 1998, for example, poor households lost 15-20% of their assets but the rich lost only 3%.
比方说,1998年台风米切登陆洪都拉斯的时候,贫困的房产者失去了大约15 ~ 20%的财产,相比下富人只失去了3%。
staple food like rice and wheat, it’s affecting the poor households which spend as much as 70 percent of their income for food,” Konuma said.
She was marking the launch on September 21st of a new alliance that aims to raise $250m to supply clean stoves to 100m poor households by 2020.
When you have social services restricted to this minority of extremely poor households, it does not work very well, nobody cares, " said Dreze."
He says deforestation is often undertaken by wealthy ranchers and plantation owners and poor households can carve productive farmlands out of the forest.
"As economic growth shifts into reverse, poor households are increasingly forced to make impossible choices in allocating scarce resources," said Ms Labelle.
Years ago in China, television sets, washing machines, or microwave ovens could rarely be seen in poor households, but these days they have become almost common.
Recent estimates indicate that poor households, once electrified, would initially consume about 30-200 W during 5 hours per day, corresponding to 55–360 kWh per year.
“While in the short-run, the nonpoor may be the most affected by the crisis, the adverse impacts are likely to spread in the medium-term to poor households,” the paper says.
More money spent on food means less money available for health care, especially for the many millions of poor households who rely on out-of-pocket payments when they fall ill.
In general, transfers have been well targeted to poor households, raising consumption levels among beneficiaries, and reducing the incidence of poverty by several percentage points.
In general, transfers have been well targeted to poor households, raising consumption levels among beneficiaries, and reducing the incidence of poverty by several percentage points.