Since then, this rate has remained unchanged at 3.8 children per woman, according to the Higher Population Council.
The Population Council report says women around the world tend to work longer hours than men, both at home and on the job.
The report was released Tuesday by the Population Council, an international organization based in New York that studies issues related to child bearing.
The Carraguard study (sponsored by the Population Council and conducted in three sites in South Africa) is nearing completion and results are expected by the end of 2007.
To accommodate the rapid influx of population, city council plans to encourage high density housing in its town centre area which lies between Blundell and Bridgeport on both sides of No. 3 Road.
A new report from the Norwegian Refugee Council notes a steady increase in the global population of IDPs, to 27.1m in 2009.
Libya analyst Peter Cole says this anti-reprisal policy is a cornerstone of the Transition Council, which now controls about 90 percent of Libya's population.
"I see what I would consider a normal patient population, representative of the average experience most people are having," Brooklyn optometrist Justin Bazan, a paid consultant to the Vision Council.
Stephen O'Brien told the U. N. Security Council that more than 21 million Yemenis – 80 percent of the population – are in need of some form of humanitarian assistance.
They could enlist half the population of the town in their fight against the council.
They could enlist half the population of the town in their fight against the council.