For massive concrete construction, the low hydration heat cement like the slag Portland cement is often used to facilitate temperature rise control in the concrete.
The effect of slag, fly ash, and calcined shale on setting time, compressive strength, resistivity, composition and microstructure of hydrated product of alite-rich Portland cement were studied.
Indoor experimental research and field application of MTC technology for Portland cement and furnace slag transformation method are described in detail.
German study of slag Portland cement than Portland cement information than the.
The setting time of alkali-activated phosphor slag cement is short, but they all adjust to the standards of Portland cement.
The behavior of interface bonding and anti aggression of both portland cement and alkali slag cement were compared.
The ordinary portland cement of 425R type was produced by the industrial waste slags, gangue, liquid slag, phosphate slag, manganic slag and phosphogypsum.
The mineral compositions in magnesia slag and the reaction kinetics parameters and the physical properties of burning Portland cement clinker by using magnesia slag were studied in the paper.
Kinetics of hydration for both slag cement and Portland cement were studied by using an isothermal conductive calorimeter.
The comprehensive study on the impact and mechanism of mineral fillers, as fly-ash, Portland cement, slag-powder, hydrated lime and so on, improved asphalt concrete stability is scarce.
By orthogonal test, the research on preparing a composite Portland cement using steel slag was processed in this study.
The research indicated that, the Portland cement had a best effect to enhance the activity of steel slag when the admixture amount of steel slag was less than 30%.
525and 425 ordinary Portland cement, 525 composite Portland cement, 425 steel slag Portland cement can be produced with the addition of pulverized steel slag with enough fineness.
The effect of additives A, B and C on grinding ordinary Portland cement, slag cement and fly ash cement was studied in this paper.
试验研究了A、B、C三类小极性分子对普通硅酸盐水泥、矿渣 水泥 ,粉煤灰 水泥的助磨作用。
To solve above-mentioned problem, this paper mainly researches on the fillers such as lime stone fines, fly ash, Portland cement, slag-powder and hydrated lime.
The Portland cement was used as an activator to improve the hydration activity of steel slag.
The strength synergistic effect of each component on composite Portland cement with fly ash, slag, steel slag and a certain amount of clinker and its influence factors are studied.
On the basis of survey of many Marine concrete constructions, the effects of adding slag powder, fly ash, silica fume to Portland cement on the performances of Marine concrete were researched.
The results showed that adding slag powder, fly ash, silica fume to Portland cement can improve the comprehensive performance of marine concrete.
The results showed that adding slag powder, fly ash, silica fume to Portland cement can improve the comprehensive performance of marine concrete.