Added trackball support, video scaling option, portrait mode.
Screen tearing may be visible when panning, especially in portrait mode.
The notebook's screen also becomes your second display, in portrait mode of course.
I'm showing these screens in portrait mode because that's usually the way smartphones are designed.
In both flavors of Night Portrait mode, a tripod or flat surface is handy, and sometimes a necessity.
This makes the text barely readable when the phone is in landscape mode, and microscopic when it's in portrait mode.
He went on to say that if readers do not like the change, Sports Illustrated can always go back and support portrait mode again.
For example, how an application could have a set of fragments for handsets, tablets in portrait mode, and tablets in landscape mode.
Portrait mode chooses a large aperture (a small 'f' number) which will make the depth of field (the amount of your shot in focus) smaller.
The phone also offers a four-row full QWERTY keyboard that smoothly slides out from the left side of the phone (when viewed in tall portrait mode).
Swipe to Inbox, which makes it very easy to access the list of message in portrait mode on the iPad, instead of clicking on a button for a weird pop-up dialog.
当滑动收件箱界面时,你将会看到以用户头像模式划分邮件的收件箱,这样就能很方便地找到想要的邮件,而且邮件对话脉络清晰,适宜阅读。 这种查阅模式很好地代替了以前那种怪异的弹出式对话框。
The screen's size, and the vibrations the virtual keyboard provides for tactile feedback, make it easy for stubby-fingered users like me to type even in portrait mode.
Blur out the background or focus on large objects with the help of Portrait mode by moving the key points of the crosshair to make your pictures more artistic and dreamy.
By default, Silverlight applications appear in portrait mode, but you'll probably want to write your Silverlight applications so they adjust themselves to orientation changes.
I rarely used the four physical buttons at the bottom of the screen (in portrait mode) for locking the screen, browsing, returning to a previous screen, and returning to the home screen.
This icon is the symbol for portrait mode and if you're not confident with changing apertures (we'll discuss this below) it's a good mode to switch to as it will do some of the work for you.
But take another look at the hardware: the Apple on the back, and the position of the home button both tell us that the iPad is meant to be used in portrait mode, at least most of the time.
For a most unique and artistic shot, place your subject with thier back to the setting sun. On Manual mode, overexpose the portrait so your subject is evenly lit.
You can adjust any of these Settings in your PHP code, too, so don't worry if you're not sure (for example, if you set portrait-mode document layouts here, you can still create landscape documents).
Intelligent Scene Selector automatically detects the four most common shooting situations - Portrait, Scenery, Close-up and Low-light - and switches to the appropriate Scene mode.
Internal antennas vary in mobile devices, depending on how you're holding them (in portrait or landscape mode).
Selectable at Portrait, Soft Skin, Transform, Self-Portrait, Sports, Baby, Pet, High Sensitivity, High-speed Burst, Photo Frame mode.
Most camera battery clamps, including vertical shooting facilities, making it easier to use the 'portrait' mode of the camera.
Support landscape and portrait screen mode.
Support landscape and portrait screen mode.