If life is harsh, the theory goes, maybe they need to get their babies into the world as quickly as possible.
It is possible that ether exists according to symmetry of physical world and ether is virtual particle of super light velocity baseing on the formula of restricted relative theory.
Kripke and Putnam who has presented the theory of the historic causality consider that proper name is the rigid designator, and always refers to the same object in every possible world.
To establish a model is the precondition to the logical and semantic analysis of epistemic expressions and the theory of possible world semantics provides an effective tool for this.
During the developing process of the referential theory of proper name, four clear features are appeared: 1-the range of the referential object is extended from real world to possible world ;
During the developing process of the referential theory of proper name, four clear features are appeared: 1-the range of the referential object is extended from real world to possible world ;