One key reason is the lack of the special post processor which served as a bridge between CAM soft wares and CNC machine tools.
There are four major parts of this system: the user interface part, ANSYS analysis part, VC interface part and the post processor part.
The output of the modulator is processed by three cascaded finite impulse response (FIR) filters, followed by a user-programmable post processor.
To program the Post Processor, either the on-chip, default filter or a user-defined filter in the form of a configuration file can be loaded into the device.
Based on the Fortran program DYNA3D. a special program for analyzing three-dimensional impact and contact of barriers and a corresponding post processor are modified and completed.
Let's take a look at two approaches for dynamic role assignment: context variable and post-processor plug-in.
The post-processor plug-in approach is a bit more difficult to master, but more powerful than the context variable method.
Staff query result post-processor plug-in
Post-processor bug fix for escaped XML code that it does not recognize.
Visualization of the calculated data can be done with a post-processor and a protocol can be printed for the static proof.
BNCT software involves the preprocessor, a coupled of neutron and photon transport and post-processor.
This paper presents the implementation of an IGES post-processor.
And then, a STEP post-processor based AP203 and AP214 is designed and developed, and it will be used to read model data from a STEP neutral document.
An execution request is received for a specific type of job executing a post-processing by a post-processor connected to a printer without printing by the printer.
In the process of designing Post-Processor, our aim is converting STEP-NC file to some type CNC control code, and in this way verifying the STEP-NC file gained from Pre_Processor.
在后处理器的设计中,我们的主要目的是把STEP -NC文件转换成某种类型的数控机床控制系统的数据指令,以此来验证前处理器中得到的STEP - NC文件的正确性。
In the process of designing Post-Processor, our aim is converting STEP-NC file to some type CNC control code, and in this way verifying the STEP-NC file gained from Pre_Processor.
在后处理器的设计中,我们的主要目的是把STEP -NC文件转换成某种类型的数控机床控制系统的数据指令,以此来验证前处理器中得到的STEP - NC文件的正确性。