The potential of a corroding surface in an electrolyte relative to a reference electrode under open-circuit conditions.
The current density and potential distributions were obtained by measuring the IR drop in electrolyte on the two kinds of negative plates.
Potential variation of thin oil film in electrolyte is an electrochemical process.
The results indicate that the reducing reaction of electrolyte on the foil with rough surface is much visible than on that with shiny surface, the dissolution potential of matte copper foil is 0.
Solid polymer electrolytes have emerged as an exciting class of novel electrolyte membrane materials with potential applications in solid-state batteries and other devices.
Electrochemical results indicate that the kinds of the aqueous electrolyte, potential limit, scan rate, current density have influence on V2O5 capacitive performance.
The selection of conditions on controlled potential, the kinds of supporting electrolyte and so on lessns the background current and makes the standard deviation less than 0.
The appearance of the polypyrrole nanowires is affected by polymerization potential, electrochemical method, pyrrole and electrolyte concentration and polymerization time.
The high negative potential of lithium does make corresponding demands on the reduction stability of the electrolyte.
The potential-time curves under constant current and cyclic voltammetry curves were measured, and the potential activation process of copper plating on iron substrate in cyanide electrolyte was shown.
The process for minimising reoxidation includes applying an electrical potential to reduced material at least while the reduced material remains immersed in the molten electrolyte.
The origination potential of oxygen reduction reaction being more positive, larger electrolyte concentration and higher temperature could promote the reaction.
The origination potential of oxygen reduction reaction being more positive, larger electrolyte concentration and higher temperature could promote the reaction.