What made Mr Prahalad such a creative thinker?
Prahalad argued: "we are still operating as if we never left Gutenberg."
According to CK Prahalad, The industrial system as we know it has been morphing for some time.
Mr Prahalad invariably worked with a collaborator and never wrote more than two articles on the same subject.
A core competence is difficult for rivals to imitate, i.e. it must be competitively unique (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990).
As C.K. Prahalad explains in the Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, addressing emerging markets is good business.
正如c.k . Prahalad在《财富在金字塔底层》书中的解释,一心一意忙着新兴市场的生意是好事。
COIMBATORE KRISHNARAO PRAHALAD, universally known as C.K., was the most creative management thinker of his generation.
哥印拜陀•克利修那·普拉哈拉德以c.k .的名字广为人知,他是那一代人中最富有创造力的管理思想家。
The other form is co-operation, a form that Hamel and Prahalad (1994) argued will be more important in many future opportunities.
Mr Prahalad was lionised in the emerging markets, particularly in India, and hailed by corporate philanthropists, notably Bill Gates.
Prahalad (see article), whose later field of interest was “the base of the pyramid”—helping businesses to work with poorer customers.
(见本文)实属一脉相承,后两位中前者早期研究无国界管理,后者晚期研究“金字塔基” 理论,帮助企业同贫困客户打交道。
Prahalad was particularly successful in finding plum assignments at interesting Indian firms for his University of Michigan students.
MANAGEMENT gurus have rhapsodised about “the fortune at the bottom of the pyramid” in emerging markets ever since C.K. Prahalad popularised the idea in 2006.
新兴市场“藏富于金字塔底层”,这个概念自C.K. Prahalad (普拉哈拉德)在2006年使之普及后,又受管理大师们热捧。
In 2000 Prahalad left his university post and moved to California to work for a high-tech start-up called Praja, a Sanskrit word meaning "the common people".
C.K Prahalad and Gary Hamel's HBR classic core Competence of the Corporation made popular the notion that knowing and mastering core business factors can be leveraged across products and markets.
C.K Prahalad and Gary Hamel's HBR classic core Competence of the Corporation made popular the notion that knowing and mastering core business factors can be leveraged across products and markets.