If you plan properly, you'll know that you only need, say, 350g of beef and six rashers of bacon, not whatever weight is prepacked in the supermarket chiller.
If before he used to drink coffee at Starbucks, he can now even buy prepacked coffee back home to drink.
Availability of and access to effective, high-quality, prepacked antimalarial medicines at the community level.
Prepacked aggregate concrete which is a new technique has been used in the bed plate of Zhongyuan 60000 DWT Dock.
We now for the first time identified meat-borne creatine as the source of white crystalline blooms on prepacked thin-calibre dry raw sausages.
Made mostly of corrugated (but with some metal and plastic ones, too), many units are shipper displays that come prepacked with product and require only minimal set-up by store personnel.
Made mostly of corrugated (but with some metal and plastic ones, too), many units are shipper displays that come prepacked with product and require only minimal set-up by store personnel.