He would also meet with Brazilian leaders such as President of the Senate Jose Sarney and President of the Chamber of Deputies Joao Laulo Cunhna.
Kely Bastien, the President of the Senate, survived the quake but was trapped in the destroyed parliament building for a day before being evacuated to the Dominican Republic.
"The President is the direct representative of the American people," he lectured the Senate when it opposed him.
The interior power system of private universities in the United States contains: board of directors, president, and faculty senate.
In 1966 a Senate subcommittee summoned the President of General Motors to explain his company's harassment - and obliged him to apologize to Nader.
In the beginning, those automated vehicles will have drivers, said Mike Ableson, GM's vice President of strategy and global portfolio planning, during a Senate Commerce hearing on last Tuesday.
In the beginning, those automated vehicles will have drivers, said Mike Ableson, GM's vice President of strategy and global portfolio planning, during a Senate Commerce hearing on last Tuesday.