For factory owners, it all adds up to stiff competition for workers—and upward pressure on wages.
For factory owners, it all adds up to stiff competition for workers and upward pressure on wages.
It's also a potential economic problem, since a declining dollar makes imported food more expensive and exerts upward pressure on interest rates.
That will provide some upward pressure on prices.
In addition, it could start to sell the huge volume of Treasury securities and other financial assets on its books, which would also place upward pressure on rates.
The pressure on prices is upward.
With warnings that climate change will put upward pressure on food prices, we're encouraging Australians to prepare more homemade meals from basic food items, like fruit and vegetables.
Although the rate rise may help to curb inflation, it risks sucking in foreign money, increasing upward pressure on the already overvalued Brazilian real.
The annualised rate of inflation over the past three months is probably a little hot for the Fed's taste, but it also believes that as commodity prices level off upward pressure on prices will ease.
The hawkish ECB is putting strong upward pressure on the euro, which won't make life the least bit easier on those Portuguese textile, ceramic, and shoe exporters.
“Our view is that there may be upward pressure on the dollar, but further out we still expect the dollar to weaken and the renminbi to appreciate all the way through next year,” Minikin says.
Unemployment in major advanced economies remains high, while emerging economies are facing upward inflationary pressure.
Such a surge would put unwelcome upward pressure on Asian currencies and increase the risk of economic dislocation in the event of a sudden flight of capital.
The World Food Program is warning that the upward pressure on food prices is likely to lead to a “silent tsunami” of hunger.
These patterns do not seem to be influenced either by the relentless upward pressure of population, or by the slackening of that pressure as growth decelerates.
But it is too early to talk of upward pressure on prices.
That will put more upward pressure on a currency that more than doubled in value against the dollar during Lula’s eight years as president.
The Swiss have tried in the past to resist upward pressure on their currency.
Others have less rigid currencies but still intervene to stem what they regard as excessive upward pressure.
Inventories look likely to remain depleted, putting upward pressure on crop and land prices.
An end to heavy flows of hot money would reduce the upward pressure on the currencies of these countries.
However, analysts are concerned that while more disposable income will boost demand, it is also likely to put further upward pressure on prices.
The economists note that the currencies of emerging Asian countries face the strongest upward pressure because of changes in the destination of private capital.
Upward pressure on pay is likely to lead to more job losses in Italy and Spain, which are already struggling with poor competitiveness and rising unemployment.
South Korea, by contrast, has been absorbing virtually all of the upward pressure on the won by accumulating additional reserves.
South Korea, by contrast, has been absorbing virtually all of the upward pressure on the won by accumulating additional reserves.