Analytical procedures used to Draft — Not for Implementation characterize a reference standard should not rely solely on comparison testing to a previously designated reference standard.
Inbound messages are forwarded to the correct in-flight process instance by matching the value of one or more designated fields in the message payload to previously assigned values.
As mentioned previously, offline portlets must be designated as supporting the "PDA" markup.
Australia, we were told, was the "Ark of the World", and had been designated as such many years previously.
Maradona, one of the best of all time as a player, has named Messi his successor as Argentina's soccer savior, a label that has proved disastrous for all others so designated previously by Maradona.
The GUI also enables the user to add the designated signal to (or multiply it by) a previously defined signal.
Australia, we were told, was the "Ark of the World", and had been designated as such many years previously.
Australia, we were told, was the "Ark of the World", and had been designated as such many years previously.