Objective To compare the effects of different evening primrose flower extracts on immune function in immunosuppressed mice.
Results: In the formulation of evening primrose oil, taking Tween 85 as the non ionic surfactant and propylene glycol as the co surfactant can get the best effect of emulsifying.
结果:在月见草油的自乳化制剂处方中,当非离子表面活性剂选用吐温- 85、潜溶剂选用丙二醇时,可以获得较好的乳化效果。
Eat lots of fresh fruit, salads and veggies. include fish in the diet as much as possible. take a supplement containing flaxseed oil or evening primrose oil.
The results indicat that the dietary fatty acid sodium of evening primrose oil shows remarkable preventive effects on experimental AS in rabbits.
This article evaluated the uncertainty of acid value in evening primrose oil , acid value in evening primrose oil was detected by GB/T5530 - 1998 .
本文对月见草油酸价测量不确定度进行系统研究,采用国标方法GB/T5530- 1998测定月见草油的酸价。
Objective To compare the effects of two different extracts of evening primrose flower on adaptive immunity in immunosuppressed mice.
Objective To study the inhibitive effect of evening primrose oil (EPO) on cultured cardiomyocytes hypertrophy in rats.
Objective To study the inhibitive effect of evening primrose oil (EPO) on cultured cardiomyocytes hypertrophy in rats.