Work on the implementation of Change Request and product verification; be responsible for verification report with input from relevant functions.
For example, the latent defects in the delivered product can be predicted using measurements of defects identified during product verification activities.
Work closely and effectively with other development teams as well as product line management, product verification, sales, marketing, and customer support teams.
A strategy we used to pursue the "test code early and often" best practice was to involve developers in both feature verification and product verification (system-level) testing.
Translation verification testing involves a language expert actually executing the product in order to correct the previously discussed translation errors.
In Globalization Verification test (GVT), the FVT is also tested in all supported locales to make sure the product functionality is consistent.
Figure 2 illustrates the coding of the manual verification point in each product.
Translation verification testers are aware of the product metaphors and are capable of quickly reviewing translations in a side-by-side fashion in order to catch obvious gaffes.
These successes lead led to the anticipated benefits of improved full software verification team (SVT) ramp-up time and improved product quality at full system test entry.
The sample plug-ins (unsigned, signed, and expired) introduced by this article could be moved to another Eclipsed-based product that requires security verification.
G. Verification of purchased product.
Modifications may be required in the work product, but verification of the modification is not necessary.
Verification by the manufacturer does not absolve the customer of the responsibility to provide acceptable product.
Verification: Are we building the product right?
Verification by the customer does not absolve the responsibility of the Company to provide acceptable product, and preclude subsequent rejection by the customer.
The technological parameters of LTHT can affect the characteristics of hardening case, so verification must be conducted before applying the product.
The semantics description of individual character product requirement and the compatibility verification issue of client requirement express are researched.
Final verification of product and process complete. Plans in place to support production builds, customer recoveries and obtain customer Part Approval for first saleable production units.
The new concept "product Organic-prototype" is put forward to make product prototype to be harmonious with the environments and to be of the experience functional verification.
Verification by the customer shall not absolve the manufacturer of the responsibility to provide acceptable product, nor shall it preclude subsequent rejection by the customer.
A layout inspection and a functional verification to applicable customer engineering material and performance standards shall be performed for each product as specified in the control plans.
The Errors existed in CAD Model can be easily found out and corrected by Model Verification, especially to complicated product CAD model.
Which cannot be repeated, and where verification of product is not possible.
Finally, taking product quality verification as an example, the management specifications and application technology of GPS measurement uncertainty were further researched.
Design circuit for SoC (System on Chip) design verification in FPGA prototype phase and product phase.
Does the Label Verification Manager inform the personnel responsible for shipping that the product can be shipped as JAS certified organic?
Does the Label Verification Manager inform the personnel responsible for shipping that the product can be shipped as JAS certified organic?