China will have to get more oomph out of its inputs, raising the productivity of capital in particular.
Mr Fuchs argues that even Japan's excellent performers suffer from a low productivity of capital, such as keeping hoards of cash for a rainy day.
Healthy human capital is the foundation of economic productivity and can accelerate recovery towards economic stability.
And because these dependants make a claim on a country's income without adding to it, they also depress savings, thereby slowing the accumulation of capital and the growth of productivity.
The single biggest factor in the success of any business, or nation, is its human capital - the flair, talent and productivity of its workers.
Corporate profits are up, the cost of capital is down and productivity is strong.
A better gauge of an economy's use of resources is "total factor productivity" (TFP), which tries to assess the efficiency with which both capital and Labour are used.
一个衡量经济资源利用的更好指标是“全要素效率”(TFP),TF P试图用资本和劳动力同时来分析效率。
Since much of the capital accumulated during the last boom was in housing, there is not the same scope for a similar burst of “delayed” productivity.
A common explanation for this improvement in productivity is that businesses tried to squeeze more out of their employees and capital because times were bad.
Lower capital spending, they fear, could be a harbinger of slower productivity growth.
These solutions help customers meet their critical business needs in the areas of energy efficiency, operational profitability, capital productivity, risk management, and global responsibility.
The consequences of high capital income tax policies are reduced saving, reduced capital accumulation, lower labor productivity, and reduced economic growth.
The findings suggest that sleep is a crucial determinant of productivity and wages, "rivaling ability and human capital in importance, " the researchers write.
The human capital of a region can directly affect the labor productivity in this region, as well as the digestion and absorption capacity which brings by FDI of advanced technology for effective.
Of all the elements of productivity, human capital that plays a more and more important role becomes the key factor.
The findings suggest that sleep is a crucial determinant of productivity and wages, "rivaling ability and human capital in importance, " the researchers write.
The financial policy should play an important role in compensating assistance for the withdrawal of capital, and may purchase the surplus productivity for policy consideration.
The division put up labor productivity, a people's financial worth and relative price of human capital, and this gives rise to institutional change.
Although capital is a kind of relation of production, it can expressed as a property of productivity.
Their capital utilization rate or technical innovation level has not been promoted obviously and it is insufficient to offset the drop of capital limit productivity.
We can calculate the loss caught by the air pollution from the year 1996 to 2000 by using the methods of environmental economy such as human capital methods, productivity changing methods, and so on.
It illustrates the objective existence of capital productivity from various angles and analyzes some important thoughts on capital productivity that Marx stated in his works on capital.
Agriculture-stock raising production model is composed of capital, effective labor and land productivity, and the elastic coefficients descend in turn.
In the case of the similar stocking density (mantissa), the large-sized fish played a distinct role in increasing capital gains rate of pond productivity.
Businesses will continue to invest in new capital, adopt new technologies, and build on the productivity gains of the past several years.
Businesses will continue to invest in new capital, adopt new technologies, and build on the productivity gains of the past several years.