In order to protect its name and standardize its products, a school must certify them with diplomas.
The US ordered the products to be stopped at its borders unless importers certify them to be either free of dairy products or melamine.
The completion by Rockwell Automation of the extensive, five-step, application process saves OEMs time and money by eliminating the need for them to go back and certify the products themselves.
This is to certify that this Company has insured on behalf of China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corp. , Shanghai Branch.
If any doubt to the quality of our products, we will certify to deal with it within 24 hours upon receiving the quality objection.
It appears to have done no more to alleviate public anxiety than did the execution in 2007 of a former head of the State Food and Drug Administration for taking bribes to certify products as safe.
It appears to have done no more to alleviate public anxiety than did the execution in 2007 of a former head of the State Food and Drug Administration for taking bribes to certify products as safe.