The basic concept of proficiency testing was introduced in this lecture.
In addition to the lab procedure manuals and proficiency testing results.
Acceptable performance was defined as any proficiency testing (pt) score more than 80%.
External proficiency testing also provides an ongoing comparison of inter-laboratory measurement error.
By quartile robust statistical Z-Score way analysis of Proficiency Testing process to make Gaussian node Z-scores ways.
Laboratory proficiency testing is a technical action appraising the testing ability of laboratory by inter laboratory comparisons.
Moreover, the robust statistical techniques and applied instances with relation to proficiency testing was also presented in this lucture.
Basic concept of laboratory proficiency testing, result appraisal way and its relative robust statistical techniques were mainly presented.
The comparison method in phase noise measurement system is introduced by means of the advanced way in interlaboratory comparison and proficiency testing.
Almost all forensic DNA laboratories participate in programs which include proficiency testing and confirm that a minimum level of performance has been achieved.
This thesis gives a brief introduction of the steps how to estimate the uncertainty in electric sector, and for low-temperature test proficiency testing prog - ram program No.
The quality control includes the internal quality control and proficiency testing, the former can control the accuracy of analysis, the later can promote the analytical and accurate degree.
质量管制包括内部 质量管制与能力试验,内部 质量管制可控制分析之精确度,能力 试验可提升分析之准确度。
The article gives an explanation and description of the climatic environmental testing methods and requirements based on the author's national standard conversion and proficiency testing experience.
According to the correlation between language teaching and testing, language tests involve five basic types: proficiency test, aptitude test, achievement test, diagnostic test, placement test.
Receives help is one kind which (ETS) globally undertakes by the US Educational Testing Service English proficiency test which carries on view of the mother tongue non-English public figure.
Proof of English proficiency. University English, GMAT, TOEFL and IELTS testing results are accepted as such proof.
Proof of English proficiency. University English, GMAT, TOEFL and IELTS testing results are accepted as such proof.