In the meantime, corporate profits could remain weak, keeping the stock market from sustaining a rally.
New YORK (AP) — New signs of surging corporate profits led to early gains in the stock market Tuesday.
Because of these spectacular results, money, talent and energy are converging in a maximum effort for the achievement of large and quick stock market profits.
Empirical evidence shows that the majority of contrarian profits in Chinese stock market are due to overreaction while a small part is due to negative correlation of common factor in time series.
The program trading utilizes high-speed, swift treatment ability of the computer and catches the instant change of the price in stock market, so that makes use of different price to obtain profits.
The two essential questions people concern about in the stock market are risk and profit, i. e. how to mitigate risks and maximize profits.
In the whole stock market, the momentum portfolios' net profits are not remarkable.
In the whole stock market, the momentum portfolios' net profits are not remarkable.