It is through these milestones that management can measure progress and quality, and hence anticipate, identify, and then actively attach risks on an ongoing basis.
Reporting testing progress is sometimes a forensic analysis of testing results, and sometimes it's reporting on high-level milestones, state gates, or entry and exit criteria.
Setting Performance Goals: When you have goals such as weight loss that have measurable milestones we have a couple of cards that will help you track your progress.
In a process that takes a long time from start to end, you might need to record various progress points or milestones.
At these minor milestones, progress is assessed against the goals and objectives set forth by the team in the iteration plan.
This is where the deployment schedule is established, milestones are agreed upon and progress review criterions are set in place.
Winners will be required to submit a report twice a year which details progress made toward Project milestones and how the award funds are being used.
In the context of Milestones 2007, the WHO report documents progress in countries since 2002. Some key national achievements are.
We like to think of our architectural treasures as milestones of human progress.
Progress is tracked against the plan and measured by work completed — by milestones reached and results delivered.
Together Senator Obama and I achieved milestones essential to our progress as a nation, part of our perpetual duty to form a more perfect union.
Boeing's formal inclusion of Atlas allows its human-rating progress to be funded milestones for the CST-100 programme.
波音公司的阿特拉斯正式列入允许其载人等级进步为CST- 100计划的资助里程碑。
Tools are the milestones of the technology as well as human being's progress.
Modern technology makes life more convenient; tools are the milestones of the technology as well as human being's progress.
Give me an example of a time when you used milestones to monitor the progress of a sale.
Give me an example of a time when you used milestones to monitor the progress of a sale.