Progressive collapse method is used to calculate ship ultimate hull girder strength and the combination of surface response method and traditional method is utilized to analyse reliability.
There are three main methods by far, nonlinear finite element method, idealized structural unit method and progressive collapse analysis method.
Abstract :The key issue of progressive collapse (PC) design method is to determine the PC resistance demand of the structures with members removed due to accidental action.
摘要 :结构抗连续倒塌设计方法的关键是确定因偶然作用导致局部构件失效后剩余结构的连续倒塌抗力需求。
In this paper, we propose an algorithm for constructing progressive meshes based on half-edge collapse and a method of multiple LOD model generation including subdivision algorithm.
The alternative load path method is widely used to analyze the structural progressive collapse in civil engineering.
The key issue of progressive collapse (PC) design method is to determine the PC resistance demand of the structures with members removed due to accidental action.
The key issue of progressive collapse (PC) design method is to determine the PC resistance demand of the structures with members removed due to accidental action.