Promoted tweets must meet a higher bar -they must resonate with users.
The plan is to use an advertising model that it calls "Promoted Tweets."
最终的解决方案就是使用称之为“Promoted Tweets ”的广告平台。
The company plans to announce a new service called Promoted Tweets, a Twitter spokesman said.
该公司发言人说,公司计划宣布一项名为“Promoted Tweets”的新服务。
This will involve rolling out promoted tweets to third-party apps and Posting them next to individual users' tweets.
Advertisers who will be involved with Promoted Tweets at launch include Red Bull, Starbucks, Best Buy, and Virgin America.
It has pursued rapid growth over profits, but since last spring, it has brought in advertising revenues through paid for "promoted tweets."
Promoted tweets are garnering interaction rates of five percent, significantly higher than the less-than-one-percent standard for display ads.
Twitter is rolling out "Promoted Tweets, " paid ads resembling regular Tweets from companies, brands or charities you follow that will appear in your Twitter stream.
Twitter推出了“营销推文”(Promoted Tweets),这是一种类似普通推文的付费广告,便于各企业、品牌或慈善机构在Twitter上进行营销推广。它会即时显示在你的推文列表里。
The survey was promoted through, Eclipse Foundation newsgroup, a blog post on PlanetEclipse and a few tweets during April 14 and May 15, 2009.
“The one thing we are most excited about is these are simply tweets, not ads,” Buzzo said. “There is one big difference between a promoted tweet and a regular tweet.
“The one thing we are most excited about is these are simply tweets, not ads,” Buzzo said. “There is one big difference between a promoted tweet and a regular tweet.