Fears about Ireland's public finances and Banks have made a European bail-out look imminent. How deep is the country's economic mire?
At worst, some Banks may fail-and trigger real bank runs in countries whose shaky public finances have left them ill equipped to prop up their financial institutions.
The woes of Kazakh banks or of Ukraine’s public finances have little to do with the countries, mainly smaller, richer and better governed, that are already in the EU.
Its public finances are no worse than those of many other rich countries, and the big Banks can handle the modest sell-off in government bonds seen so far.
AS POLITICIANS hurry to offer guarantees to depositors and to Banks 'other creditors, their promises raise a question: can their countries 'public finances shoulder these new responsibilities?
Portugal's fiscal SINS were not as serious as those of Greece and its public finances have not been wrecked by its Banks as was the case with Ireland.
But Banks in countries with lower savings rates and shakier public finances, most obviously Spain and Britain, still have to find buyers for their debt.
Its Banks and public finances are sound, and the economy recovered quickly and strongly from recession, even if the pace is now slowing.
That has limited the state’s ability to force losses on the banks’ bondholders and left the public finances in ruins.
Despite its huge public debt-almost 130% of gdp-its public finances and its Banks are in better shape than those in Greece or Portugal.
The woes of Kazakh Banks or of Ukraine's public finances have little to do with the countries, mainly smaller, richer and better governed, that are already in the EU.
The woes of Kazakh Banks or of Ukraine's public finances have little to do with the countries, mainly smaller, richer and better governed, that are already in the EU.