Research has been done on a new technology in producing aerated concrete with inferior pulverized-coal ash produced by Tangshan Xiyao Power Plant.
But if the low NOx pulverized coal combustors are operated incorrectly, the fly ash carbon will increase significantly.
Carbon content in fly ash is a major index, which reflects the combustion efficiency of a pulverized coal-fired utility boiler.
The construction of ash dam in Weishui Power Plant adopts the multi stage pulverized coal ash subdam technology.
The test and its analysis of which the strength of pulverized coal fly ash (PFA)concrete be raised by use of the activator are introduced in this paper.
The principle of manufacture, production process and application result of multi element compound fertilizer based on pulverized coal ash are described.
The fluid bed pulverized coal gasification technology with ash fusion agglomeration has been under research and development since the 80's.
Because of absence of unburned pulverized coal and coal ash, the change in composition from primary slag to final slag is small, so the slag formation in gas injection blast furnace is improved.
Pulverized coal ash utilization rate is very low in Hunan low grade anthracite-fired power plant.
Pulverized coal ash is hydraulically filled on ground of Zishan. Its grains were fine as silty sand.
The effect is also studied of the mixing ways of pulverized coal ash with caustic lime on the so 2 removal rate and the calcium utilization of the calcium based sorbent.
Also studied was the effect of the mixing mode of pulverized coal ash with the caustic lime on the so 2 removal rate and the calcium utilization rate of the calcium based sorbent.
Also studied was the effect of the mixing mode of pulverized coal ash with the caustic lime on the so 2 removal rate and the calcium utilization rate of the calcium based sorbent.