You are responsible for what you put in your circle.
A solution of antifreeze like you put in your car in the winter?
Facemail faces are lively and they can simulate the emotions that you put in your text.
Facemail 的脸是生动的,它们可以模拟你输入到文本中的情绪。
In the rare chance that there is a microorganism that can make you sick on the exact spot where the food dropped, you can be fairly sure that the bug is on the food you are about to put in your mouth.
Grandma: What did you put in your bag?
This isn't the same honey you put in your tea.
It can be put in your pocket or in a small bag.
Food (everything you put in your mouth and swallow, including restaurants).
You put in your name, put in your address, we ship you a reader, and you're done.
And if you put in your whole effort, you're still much more likely to get what you want, too.
Don't always refer to "Mommy" as the nurturing figure; "What did Daddy put in your lunch-box today?"
Pat Kua has recently written about a key question: How much detail should you put in your story?
最近,Pat Kua解答了一个核心问题:故事里应该放入多少细节?
Because one thing you are aware of when you're very popular is how much stock people put in your work.
Remember, any white pixels you put in your foreground image will provide a mask over the background frames.
A row will be created inside of the root column container for every tag that you put in your static layout file.
Old Amazon MP3 purchases aren't put in your Cloud Drive, only new purchases going forward (though you can manually upload).
以前购买的MP 3不会自动存储到你的云驱动器中,但是你可以手动上传。
A portion of the intestine may have to be taken out, and a temporary or permanent colostomy may be put in your abdomen.
You are responsible for what you put in your mouth each day, for how you treat yourself and for what you get out of life.
He wants to take out the root of sin and put in your heart not just unselfishness but love for God and for your fellowmen.
Modern classwork is still thinking that it is the volume of information you put in your head that will give you an advantage.
In this case, we used org.developerworks.lift and quepasa for the values, but this is where you would put in your own values.
在这里,我们使用org.developerworks.lift和quepasa 作为参数值,但是您应该在这里设置自己的值。
Or just use some articles from anywhere, but put in your address so that the GPS location provided by your browser returns some results.
If you don't have a plan as to what you're going to eat for the rest of the day, then there's really no telling what you might put in your mouth.
This drops an atom's temperature a couple hundred degrees fahrenheit-much colder than anything you'd want to put in your mouth-in less than a second.
In fact, keep running through the Rolodex in your head until you find the best person you can think of to put in your current predicament. Laugh at him, then laugh at yourself!
This book is designed for programmers. I assume you don't need instructions for how to make a menu bar; rather, you need to think about what to put in your menu bar (or whether to have one at all).
Whether it's emotional, mental, physical, environmental or social stressors, the following tips will help you deal with - and eventually overcome - whatever roadblocks life has put in your way.
You can find the details in the manual page for tcsh, but here is a line to put in your .tcshrc that will tell you how many commands you have typed, what time it is, and what directory you are in.
You can find the details in the manual page for tcsh, but here is a line to put in your .tcshrc that will tell you how many commands you have typed, what time it is, and what directory you are in.