Query-by-example - a familiar pattern popularized by the object-database community.
Figure 2 shows the BaseDao interface, which has been extended to support query-by-example functionality.
Another useful facility in a dynamic query API is that it can support query-by-example with relative ease.
The idea of query-by-example is that instead of specifying the exact predicates for a query, a template instance is presented.
For example, when you apply one of the standard templates to administer your change management processes, all team members can by default query all records in the database.
To see an example, create a query that returns a list department Numbers and names, filtered by their locations.
For example, you can minimize the rows read by having predicates in the query that can determine the needed rows from just the index alone.
In the next example, the previous query is modified, by adding an ORDER by siblings clause to get the siblings in the result sorted by NAME.
We now take you though a step-by-step example showing how to create a DB2 database and how to create your own Query Views.
现在我们将带领您一步步地完成一个示例,该示例展示了如何创建DB 2数据库,以及如何创建您自己的查询视图。
Consider an example where a DBA knows the problem is a poor-performing query, but that query was generated by a framework, using an object-relational mapping technology.
For example, if you build an application to sell video tapes, you might expect a user to query for all the videos that have a certain keyword in the title and that were directed by a given person.
Start by generating the query using the first aggregation function (SUM in the example) in the measure's list of aggregations to aggregate the template expression.
However, every time the user asked for a system refresh by sorting her tasks by due date, for example, the portal application had to issue a new query to WPS to repopulate the task list.
不过,每次用户要求系统刷新(例如,按照结束日期对任务进行排序)时,门户应用程序必须向WPS 发送新查询,以重新填充任务列表。
For example, some business requirements are generated by analyzing existing report query workflows and interpreting current business data analytic structures.
If you have a long-running database query for example that's triggered by a button press, you can simply increase the time paused after the button event has been issued.
A few of these (smart query rewriting, for example) are available to tools that aren't backed by a database.
In the above example, performance of the federated query could be improved by executing all three remote legs of the UNION at the same time.
For example the context will be built using who the query was executed by, which cube was queried, which particular year was used for filtering, etc.
The plug-in can even change the query result type by returning, for example, a group name instead of the original set of users.
For example, you can easily search for the applications consuming the highest amount of CPU by simply adding a WHERE clause to a query that lists application data from a monitoring table function.
For example, you can get a count out of the database for the number of respondents who have stated that their favorite color (question 2) is red by using the following query shown in Listing 10.
The client can request (query) different views by interacting with the Web page (for example, by navigating to a new page).
For example, whether ORDER BY or GROUP BY clauses are needed in the query, or if they can be resolved via index access.
The example in Listing 21 creates a query that orders its result by name and then edits the query to order also by ZIP code.
Our next example, shown in Figure 2, is a query with an ORDER BY clause using the code below.
Query by example: Query the database by creating a sample object of the type you want to retrieve and setting its properties to specify selection criteria.
Query by example:通过创建一个你想要遍历类型的对象,设置它的属性来指定某个criteria来查询数据库。
For example, a view based on a very complex query that returns only five rows (for example, a GROUP BY query) is costly to evaluate at the remote source.
For example, the following query returns a result by limiting search to the document part identified by name "description" in the document model of Figure 5.
This means you need to first process a query result completely before reusing a JDBC Statement — for example, by reissuing a database query — or you will lose any results from the previous query.
The lists returned can be filtered according to a Notes Formula language query, a query by example, or a view.