Rag-tag Hmong rebels remain in the remote jungles of Laos.
They mostly resemble a rag-tag group of young players, veterans and a few World Cup winners trying to wipe out a 17-point deduction imposed on them for Moggi's SINS.
他们中大部分是平民阶层的年轻球员,还有一些老队员和寥寥几个世界冠军。他们为了消除因莫吉的罪过而强加于球队的- 17分而全力以赴着。
In short, destruction from the inside by insiders and not by a rag-tag group of fanatics who were incapable of flying the planes they supposedly deployed with incredible skill.
IBM began life as Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co. (C-T-R), a rag-tag amalgamation of pseudo-information companies assembled in an acquisition by Wall Street financier Charles Flint in 1911.
IBM成立之初名为Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co. (C-T-R),1911年由华尔街金融家查尔斯•弗林特收购的三家初级信息公司合并而成。
We started out with a little rag -tag team of 30 people.
We started out with a little rag- tag team of 30 people.
With no experience, 800 bucks, used car parts and a dream, this rag tag team goes up against the country's reigning robotics champion, MIT.
With no experience, 800 bucks, used car parts and a dream, this rag tag team goes up against the country's reigning robotics champion, MIT.