The rampant piracy makes providing content a difficult business.
Microsoft itself faces daunting challenges in China, not least rampant piracy.
Broadcasting organizations should be protected perfectly for the increasingly rampant piracy.
Plagued by civil war, grinding poverty and rampant piracy, Somalia will be the world's worst in 2010.
Rampant piracy means just $19m-worth of CDs were sold in China last year—about the same as in Hungary.
Though the region suffers from rampant piracy, it mainly affects international shipping rather than locals.
Worldwide, films get about half their revenues from DVD sales, a market which in Mexico is eaten away by rampant piracy.
In recent years, the rampant piracy in Somalia, the Gulf of Aden off Somalia as a whole has become the world's most dangerous waters.
Playing live has re-emerged as the way to make money from pop as falling sales, rampant piracy and digital distribution have slashed revenues from recorded music.
Rampant piracy in China means U. S. and European companies might be reluctant to outsource production of cutting-edge solar technologies to Chinese suppliers.
Indeed, I have spoken with both Indian and Nigerian movie producers who, too, are protesting the rampant piracy of their movies - in stores in the United States!
Rampant piracy in the busy Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean, near Somalia, has become a growing problem, driving up insurance costs and forcing ships to take alternative routes.
They also note that piracy of U.S. software, movies, and music remains rampant.
Music and movie piracy is rampant because over the last ten years, the market has utterly failed to provide a wide range of preferable legitimate solutions.
The shift from physical CDs to digital files has been a mixed blessing for the music industry, opening the door to rampant online piracy as well as promising new business models.
In Russia, e-book piracy is already rampant.
The awards come after the British music industry endured a torrid time in 2007 as rampant digital piracy and shifting business models led to a 10.4% decline in album sales.
英国音乐产业在2007年经历了数字盗版猖獗及商业模式变革的低潮,专辑销量下滑了百分之十点四。 本次颁奖典礼在这种背景下迎来了2008年。
In the past, most Bollywood movies made a profit, but nowadays, with piracy running rampant in most of the country, some movies are bootlegged before they even hit the big screen.
Digital information age, so that the transmission of multimedia information, circulation becomes very convenient, but the subsequent ACTS of infringement and piracy has become increasingly rampant.
The "key regions" refer to the regions where the counterfeiting and piracy are rampant.
The "key regions" refer to the regions where the counterfeiting and piracy are rampant.