UDRs, like random number generators and current date/time functions, are variant and therefore cannot be used.
And then, methods of the parallel implementing, relative merits and test methods in parallel random number generators are described.
NOTE: when I said "random" in this post, I naturally mean the pseudorandom number generators computers use, which isn't really random, but was more than close enough for our project.
In this paper, it firstly gives out some common random number generators and their defects; and then presents a new random number generator and its algorithm, and gives some statistical tests.
Use the Boost random-number generators.
It typically USES random number 5 generators to generate multiple scenarios of a model by repeatedly sampling values from the probability distributions for the uncertain variables.
To design a gaussian random number generator used for channel simulation and coder performance test, high-speed universal random number and correlated stochastic series generators are studied.
To design a gaussian random number generator used for channel simulation and coder performance test, high-speed universal random number and correlated stochastic series generators are studied.