At least half of mortgage holders still pay 5% or higher in interest, regardless of whether a fixed or floating rate.
Therefore, trucking companies wishing to reduce their accident rate can do so simply by raising their drivers' pay and limiting the overall number of hours they drive.
Who would pay that kind of rate?
In principle, Chinese smelters are supposed to pay a market rate for the power they consume, which can account for as much as 40% of costs.
In the current survey, covering only private institutions, for the presidents of large, complex research universities the pay increase was 11 percent over the year's inflation rate.
These pay a fixed rate of interest but only if the bank is profitable.
If you want consumers to spend more, fixing the mortgages of those underwater may help. But lowering the interest rate millions more Americans pay on their credit CARDS would help much more.
What would be a reasonable rate to pay a child-minder to take care of your kids, for instance, or someone to cover your chores for you?
The unemployment rate is a mere number that doesn't change the reality of scarce jobs and, for many, declining pay.
Some observers say there is a conflict of interest, as the issuers of securities pay the agencies to rate them.
Our card has a higher rate than our non-reward CARDS, but we never pay one cent of interest.
Many gas stations will charge you a slightly lower rate if you pay cash instead of credit, which could add up over multiple fill-ups.
MLP investors typically pay regular income tax rates—not the 15% dividend rate—on 20% of their cash distributions.
The move aims at ensuring millionaires pay a minimum rate of tax that at least matches that of middle-class families.
Even part-time hostesses and those at the low end of the pay scale earn at least $20 an hour, almost twice the rate of most temp positions.
But inflation also raises the rate of profit, which means business can profitably pay a lot higher rate to borrow.
Presumably the rate of pay will stay the same and, if the work is a bit less stressful than before, you should see that as a blessing.
We offer Time Certificates of deposit which pay a higher rate of interest than regular deposits do.
The boy would go say, we're offering to pay a discount rate of 2.51 — that was the formula and then anyone could do these calculations; they knew what it meant.
Banks raise most of their money through short-term household deposits on which they pay an interest rate of just 0.7 percent. They lend at rates of 6 percent or more.
There's no guaranteed interest rate, since the amount of money homeowners collectively pay back every month is a function of how many have refinanced and how many have defaulted.
America's top federal income-tax rate of 35% is lower than in many other advanced economies (although most Americans also pay state taxes).
The interest rate of T-Bills is determined at each auction, depending on what bidders are willing to pay.
But it is estimated that, even if families only pay the expected 60% to 65% of the local market rate, those who depend on benefits will struggle.
Managers have to pay a maximum rate of only 0.7% on their fund's management fee.
The corporate tax rate is lower than in America but Azul needs an army of accountants to pay it correctly.
In May 2007 this district received a visit from India's sixth central pay commission, headed by B.N. Srikrishna, which had the task of deciding a reasonable rate of pay for such Labour.
2007年5月,以b.n . Srikrishna为首的印度第六中央薪酬委员会到访该地区,为这些士兵的工作确定一个合理的工资率。
But unlike other top-rated debt instruments, CPDOs pay a succulent interest rate of as much as two percentage points over cash.
But unlike other top-rated debt instruments, CPDOs pay a succulent interest rate of as much as two percentage points over cash.