The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer –which last year achieved universal ratification –is an excellent example of this process.
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer – which last year achieved universal ratification – is an excellent example of this process.
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer - which last year achieved universal ratification - is an excellent example of this process.
S. Constitution. Such an amendment would require two-thirds majorities in both chambers to pass, followed by ratification by 38 states -- a process likely to take years.
Third, the process of ratification of DR-CAFTA increased public debate around these issues, which in some cases led to IP legislation that considers public health needs.
第三种趋势是围绕DR -CAFTA的批准进程问题,增加了公众讨论,从而导致了在某些情况下,知识产权立法要考虑到公共卫生需要。
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer – which last year achieved universal ratification is an excellent example of this process.
Third, we think it is always a legal mortgage after observing its legislative process from its design, drafting, discussion, modification, deliberation to its ratification.
Third, we think it is always a legal mortgage after observing its legislative process from its design, drafting, discussion, modification, deliberation to its ratification.