You need the architect's skills to assess feasibility and costs of features for the project manager to be able to define the cost/benefit ratio.
This phased approach means that the cost-to-benefit ratio isn't rosy either, and unless the head team can deploy aggressively and successfully, the project is at risk of being shut down.
Although the risks of offshore drilling are much harder to quantify than the benefits, I believe the shift in the benefit-cost ratio has been large enough so that the time has come to allow drilling.
This algorithm improves the performance of tape library system under different workloads by dynamically tuning the cost-benefit weight ratio of scheduling policies according to workloads.
A case study shows that the system realizes the visual simulation of static view and dynamic objects, responds to the users' interaction in real time, and has high cost-benefit ratio.
First, we calculate the ratio of the cost to benefit of each square which fits the grade required, after which, we use dynamic program to select the optimal result.
First, we calculate the ratio of the cost to benefit of each square which fits the grade required, after which, we use dynamic program to select the optimal result.