Probably never. But the Nest, designed by the minds behind the iPod, actually invokes that reaction — it predicts which temperature you'll want based on past behavior, and looks pretty sweet, too.
Many factors which may affect the catalytic behavior such as rare earth metal species, calcination temperature, reaction temperature, space speed and feed gas purity were studied.
The behavior of different species during the temperature programmed surface reaction (TPSR) of methane over various catalysts is traced by an on line mass spectrometer.
Under linear temperature increase condition the thermal behavior and kinetic parameters of the exothermic decomposition reaction of the title compound were studied by means of DSC.
This paper deals with the study of intrinsic kinetic behavior of the CO high temperature shift reaction at atmospheric pressure over BX catalysts in an isothermal-integral-reactor.
This paper deals with the study of intrinsic kinetic behavior of the CO high temperature shift reaction at atmospheric pressure over BX catalysts in an isothermal-integral-reactor.